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Dr. Alexander PINCHERLE - Neurologist

Dr Alexander Pincherle is a qualified neurologist, holding a "Master's degree in Cerebrovascular Medicine" from the Charité University of Berlin, as well as a "Specialist in Somnology" degree from the European Society for Sleep Research .


He also holds a specialist degree in Neurophysiopathology from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Genoa, and his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan.


His professional experience includes positions as consultant physician in neurology at the Robert Schuman Hospitals in Luxembourg, clinical head of neurology at the Center Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in Lausanne (CH), as well as at the Center Hospitalier de Bienne in Switzerland. He has also held physician assistant and assistant roles in departments of neurophysiology and experimental epileptology, as well as in the field of multiple sclerosis .

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